Words that Start With R - Expand Your Vocabulary

Words that Start With R - Expand Your Vocabulary
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If your child has mastered their ABCs and vocabulary words beginning with letters A to Q, it may be time to introduce them to words that start with R. R is the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet. By the time you start teaching children words that start with R, it’s likely that they’ve already built an impressive vocabulary. However, there is no limit to a ‘good vocabulary’ as it has numerous benefits that go beyond a child’s educational life.

It’s important that you add enough words that start with each letter to a child’s word bank. This way, they can communicate effectively. The letter R is a consonant, and the English language has plenty of words that start with it. Words that start with R are an important part of our vocabularies, which we use in a number of different settings.

positive words that start with r

You can only build an expansive vocabulary when it involves words beginning with each letter. Therefore, it is important that you introduce your child to words that start with R from an early age. Even if your child has built a good enough vocabulary comprising words beginning from the first seventeen letters, it is crucial that they know enough words that start with each of the 26 letters.

Words that start with R are an important addition to make in your child’s vocabulary. Of course, you can only start teaching them when your child is completely prepared to take in some new information. Sure, your child may have transitioned from learning the basic ABCs to memorizing vocabulary word lists. But even so, learning so many words along with their meanings and usage can be quite a challenge for young kids.

words that start with r explanation

A Break Before You Introduce Words that Start With R

Giving your child some time to process the newly learned information is crucial to maintaining their mental health and learning pace. Most adults do not realize the complexity behind learning all these new words. It may not be as hard for you to memorize a couple of new words every day. However, it is no less than a challenge for young learners who still find concepts like vocabulary and memorization to be a little confusing. You must wait for your child to process and synthesize the previously learned information before you expect them to learn words that start with R.

There are many benefits to taking study breaks between each letter and using the chunking method in order to learn words beginning with each letter. Kids get an energy boost, relief from stress and pressure, better memory retention, and enhanced understanding and solidification of concepts.

It is important for a child’s caregivers and teachers to start building a vocabulary from an early age. This helps kids to remember words, along with their meanings, for longer. But remember that rushing the process can be counterproductive.

Before you decide to introduce your child to words that start with R, make sure you give them enough time to process the words they learned recently, i.e., words that start with Q. Going back to back when introducing vocabulary words with new letters can make it hard for a child to keep up. Children can face several issues while learning vocabulary words. It’s important to address these obstacles before moving to new words.

learn words that start with r without stress

Negative Effects of Jumping from One Letter to Another

You must allow your child to take as much time as they need to learn new words. However, giving them enough break time holds much more importance. You will notice better results when you give your child enough break time before introducing words that start with R. Letting your child has numerous short-term and long-term benefits to learning vocabulary words. On the contrary, rushing through has quite some adverse effects on a child’s vocabulary as well as academic life.

The following negative effects will impact your child’s educational life.

Slowed Progress

One short-term effect that will pose a negative impact is slowed down learning progress. Adults tend to try and be quick at moving on to a new letter in an effort to speed up the process and get it done quickly. However, not taking a break can cause just the opposite. If you move on to teaching words that start with R soon after they learned Q words, your child is likely to lose information. Loading the mind without allowing the child to process information can cause it to forget quickly.


Breaks are incredibly important if you wish for your child’s mind to be clear of any confusion. Memorizing vocabulary lists is a complex activity for young children as it involves too many words and too many meanings. Your child is very likely to mix up words if you don’t give them enough time before teaching words that start with R. Kids to find it hard to differentiate between words that look or sound similar or have a similar meaning.

positive words that start with r learning progress

Teaching Words that Start With R

An extensive vocabulary provides a child with numerous academic benefits. But still, the question remains: What is the correct way of teaching vocabulary words that start with R?

It is best to go about the traditional way of using word lists, starting with each letter to enhance a child’s vocabulary. But remember that the learning process will not be as effective if you don’t give your child ample time to learn. This means giving them separate breaks to memorize words, make sense of the meanings, and learn how they can use the words in different situations and everyday conversations.

Of course, you must first make sure whether your child is ready to learn new vocabulary words that start with R. You can do so when your child is capable of doing the following without showing any signs of struggle:

  • Can say the ABCs in their correct order
  • Knows know how to trace or write the letter
  • Can recognize the letters and identify them without any confusion
  • Is able to pronounce each letter correctly
  • Do not have any confusion regarding previously learned vocabulary words
keep in mind before start to learn words that start with r

Fun Games and Activities

Kids find it extremely challenging to learn vocabulary words and tend to face various issues while they’re at it. Not only this, they also find it quite boring as learning words beginning with each letter can feel quite repetitive. Learning the same kind of information can be so boring that it causes children to lose focus. You should try and engage children in fun games and activities to maintain their focus and interest.

  • Use visual stimulation to boost your child’s learning ability. Pictures can spark interest in children and can help them remember information for much longer. You can help them identify different words and turn it into a game.
  • You can help your child understand the meaning of difficult verbs by performing the actions. You can take turns and even use props to make it more fun.

You can also add edible rewards to the mix to make sure your child enjoys the process of learning new words.

words that start with r rewards of learning

Vocabulary Words that Start With R

Preschool and Kindergarten

It is true that preschoolers are too young to memorize difficult words and understand their meanings. But that should not stop you from introducing them to simpler words that start with R.


  • Run
  • Ran
  • Rock
  • Ring
  • Rain
  • Red
  • Rub
  • Round
  • Reward
  • Rib
easy words that start with r


  • Rest: relax, remaining
  • Race: a contest for speed
  • Rainbow: a colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain
  • Rain: water droplets that fall from the clouds
  • Rich: someone with lots of money
  • Roll: to move around in turning motion
  • Rug: a decorative floor covering made out of fabric or animal skin
  • Rush: to move in a hurry
  • Room: a closed indoor space
  • Rat: a small furry animal
elementary words that start with r

Elementary School

Elementary school students are more proficient and are able to grasp complex meanings. Schools also introduce them to new math and English concepts such as triangles and possessive nouns. Hence, it is also a good time to introduce them to meaningful words that start with R.

  • Right: appropriate
  • Rage: an intense feeling of anger and violence
  • Raw: uncooked or in its natural state
  • Rise: to ascend or increase in level or position
  • Return: to come or give back
  • Respect: to regard with honor
  • Redo: to repeat an action
  • Rant: a speech with intense emotions
  • Reside: to live in a place for an extended period
  • Retire: to give up work due to old age
simple words that start with r

Interesting fact: The letter R highly influences the sound of vowels that go before it in a word. It changes the sound of the vowel when placed after it.

-Laura Lewis, Education Specialist

Practice Questions

Exercise #1

Make a list of all the R words that you can think of. Then, try to categorize them into food items, things, verbs, and adjectives.

Exercise #2

Try to draw or act out the following words that start with R:

  • Run
  • Rub
  • Rat
  • Ride
  • Rope
  • Ribbon
  • Rabbit
  • Recycle
  • Rainbow
  • River
positive words that start with r exercise

Frequently Asked Questions

How can teaching methods be adapted for different learning styles?
For visual learners, use flashcards or drawings. For auditory learners, engage in verbal games or songs. For kinesthetic learners, involve physical activities or crafts related to the words.
Is there an ideal number of new words to introduce at a time?
This varies with each child, but starting with a small set of 5-10 words is generally manageable. Adjust based on your child’s comfort and capacity.
What age is preschool and kindergarten?
Preschool in the U.S. is typically for ages 3 to 5, while kindergarten is for children who turn 5 by a specific date determined by local school districts, which is usually by late summer or early fall.
How to open a preschool?
To open a preschool, you need to research local regulations, secure a suitable facility, obtain the necessary licenses, hire qualified staff, and develop a curriculum that meets educational standards. It's also important to establish policies and procedures, set up a business structure, and create a marketing plan to attract students.
How long is preschool?
In the United States, preschool programs vary in length. They can range from a few hours a day to a full school day, and typically operate during the regular school year, following a similar calendar. On average, a preschool program can last 2 to 3 hours for half-day programs and about 6 to 7 hours for full-day programs.

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