Words that Start With E - Expand Your Vocabulary

Words that Start With E - Expand Your Vocabulary
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Is it time for your child to start learning words that start with E? The letter E is the fifth letter of the English alphabet and also happens to be a vowel. The latter property suggests that it is a commonly used letter in the English language.

Not only will you find this letter a part of several vocabulary words, but there are also quite a lot of words that start with E.

meaningful words that start with e

When Can You Introduce Vocabulary Words?

You might think that your child is ready to be introduced to new vocabulary words. However, it is best to first ensure that they have a good grasp of the letters A to D. Remember that jumping quickly from one letter to another is not a good idea as it can make it hard for both the parents and teacher as well as the child.

Try to give your child a break between each letter so they can process all the newly learned information. Also, try to avoid putting a lot of pressure on the child so as to provide a fun learning experience rather than a stressful one. While it may seem an easy task to you as an adult, it may not be true for young learners. Children find it hard to learn new words, especially when they have just learned their ABCs. So, moving on to vocabulary words can feel like a big change. Make sure your child is ready before you introduce words that start with E.

nice words that start with e

Not to mention, a lot of parents and teachers try to rush into the process of teaching vocabulary words. This is not a good idea as it will only make it hard for you and the child if you start teaching vocabulary words before they have mastered their alphabets. So, see if it really is time for your child to start learning words that start with E. You can do so by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Does the child know the ABCs in order?
  • Can they recognize the letters and differentiate between similar-looking ones?
  • Do they know the correct pronunciation of each letter?
  • Are they able to trace or write the letters?

Let’s learn all about the letters and words that start with E.

Words that Start With E - Importance of Vocabulary Words

The educational system and modern parenting advise parents to start developing a child’s vocabulary from an early age. However, most parents do not realize the reasons why building an extensive vocabulary is so important. So, why should children learn words that start with E?

Words play an important role in the personality as well as the success of a person throughout their life. Learning vocabulary words is important because an enriched vocabulary offers numerous benefits.

Learning vocabulary words from an early age speeds up a child’s educational development, encouraging them to build communication and language skills. It encourages reading, which has several health and psychological benefits in itself.

cool words that start with e

The more words a child has in his word bank, the better he can communicate with people. Their vast vocabulary can help them convey their thoughts and ideas. The more words a child knows, the better they can express themselves.

If you wish for your child to have great communication and language skills along with some amazing health benefits, make sure you teach them words that start with E.

What’s more? When a child realizes that they are able to get their message across to others, it boosts their confidence. This way, they interact with people more often and build confidence in their communicative skills.

Not only this, but a vast vocabulary can also impact their performance skills. While words help communicate your thoughts and ideas, they also help you to understand.

When a child knows a wide variety of words, they are better able to understand instructions. It allows them to follow instructions and ensure task completion without mistaking any steps.

The Letter E - How to Teach

The above-mentioned benefits of learning vocabulary words should be enough to convince you of the importance of teaching vocabulary words that start with E. However, the process is a long and difficult one, so make sure you take baby steps. This way, it will be easier for you as well as the child.

Learning new words can be quite a challenging task for kids. Therefore, remember to not rush it and give your child plenty of time to learn words that start with E, along with their meanings.

Oftentimes, children find it hard to adjust to new concepts. This is especially true when they go from learning their ABCs to learning new words and understanding their meaning and usage.

You will find that children face several issues while they’re learning new words. These include not being able to understand the meaning of certain words or grasp how the words can be used in their daily life.

Or other times, they do not understand the different kinds of sounds a single letter can make in different words. Children also tend to get bored of new learning words over and over when you don’t give them an engaging experience.

It doesn’t take much to distract children, but considering how boring the idea of learning seems, you need to make it fun. Therefore, make sure you stay prepared with some fun and creative activities to help them out.

Besides turning study time into game time, it also boosts their memory and retention power. This is because being actively involved in the learning process can have numerous positive effects on the brain, including enhanced memory.

Make sure that your child knows their ABCs before you move to teach vocabulary words. This includes being able to recognize, write and pronounce all the letters.

teaching positive words that start with e

Words that Start with E - Pronunciation

Learning pronunciations is important before beginning to learn words that start with E. This is because spellings and pronunciations are closely interrelated.

  • The letter E as /i/

You will notice that the letter E makes the /i/ sound in some words. For instance, the same sound that letter I make in words like ship or lick is also produced by letter E in words like reaches and houses.

The first rule states that the syllable should not be the one that is more strongly pronounced than other letters or syllables in the word. Secondly, the letter E should not be followed by a pronunciation-changing letter such as A or R.

  • The letter E as /i:/

The /i:/ sound is generally called the longer /i/ sound that is spelt as ‘ee’, ‘ea’ or ‘ie/ei’. For example: teeth, receive, belief, eat. This is usually the case when the letter E is placed after a well-stressed syllable or letter. In other cases, the first syllable that is stressed and pronounced as /i:/ can also be stressed and pronounced as /i/ to make a different word. Such spellings are called homographs.

good words that start with e
  • The letter E as /e

The letter E is also pronounced as /e/ instead of /I:/ at the end of a first stressed syllable. For example: heavy, necessary and delegate.

In some cases, E is also paired with an unstressed first syllable to remove the original meaning of a word. Here, it is pronounced as /i:/. For example: defuse and depopulate. In another case, E is pronounced as /i:/ when placed in a later stressed syllable before R.

beautiful words that start with e

E Words for Kids - Preschool and Kindergarten

Here are two lists of words that start with E for preschoolers and kindergarteners. It is important that you start by introducing simpler and easier-to-understand words.


  • Egg
  • Eat
  • Easy
  • Ear
  • Elbow
  • Eel
  • Elephant
  • Eagle
  • Each
  • Enjoy
short words that start with e


  • Enter: to insert or get in something
  • Eat: to consume food
  • Earn: to get something as a return for your work
  • Entire: the whole or complete of something
  • Energy: the capacity to exert power
  • Extra: something or someone additional
  • Excite: to activate emotions or reactions
  • Explore: to examine or search
  • Envelope: a pouch made of paper that is used to send a letter in
  • Earth: the planet that humans live on
nice words that start with e to describe someone

E Words for Elementary School Students

Elementary school students are introduced to new concepts like adjectives or prime numbers. At this stage, it is best to bring forth words with more meaning-holding words that start with E.

Lower Elementary

  • Easily: with ease or without trouble
  • Essential: necessary or important to something
  • Enemy: foe or opponent
  • Except: to exclude something from the rest
  • Explain: to define or elaborate something to make it clear
  • Exercise: to perform physical activity for staying healthy
  • Expect: to anticipate or look forward to something
  • Eager: to be impatient for something
  • Everything: all or the most important thing
  • Effect: the result of something
four letter words that start with e

Upper Elementary

  • Enable: to make something operational or active
  • Effective: something that works and gives the desired result
  • Evidence: a thing that proves something or leads to a conclusion
  • Expression: word or phrase to convey feelings or thoughts
  • Entertain: to give pleasure to or hold someone’s attention
  • Elegant: well-though and refined in a subtle manner
  • Eliminate: to remove or get rid off
  • Exclaim: to suddenly speak or cry something out
  • Escalate: an intense extension or increase
  • Estimate: a guessed worth or size of something
words that start with e to describe someone or something

Interesting fact: There are around 20 vowel sounds and only 5 official vowel letters in the English alphabet. This suggests that each letter has more than one pronunciation sound.

Practice Questions

Exercise #1

Identify what kind of sounds the letter E makes in the following words.

  • Debrief
  • Delicate
  • Spherical
  • Superior
  • Research
  • Defect
  • Security
  • Genius
  • Detail
  • Quickest
long words that start with e


  • /i:/ sound to remove the meaning of the original word
  • /e/ sound at the end of a first stresses syllable
  • /e/ sound at the end of a first stresses syllable
  • /i:/ sound in a later stressed syllable before letter R
  • Unstressed /i/ sound to make a different word
  • Unstressed /i/ sound to make a different word
  • /i/ sound
  • /i:/ at the end of a first stressed syllable
  • /i:/ at the end of a first stressed syllable
  • /i/ sound

Exercise #2

Find 5 words that start with E and make sounds different from one another.

  • Eagle
  • Effort
  • Enjoy
  • Earth
  • Eel
words that start with short e

Frequently Asked Questions

How old do you have to be to go to preschool?
Most preschools in the United States accept children starting at 3 years old. However, some may enroll children at 2.5 years, particularly if they are potty-trained. The best approach is to inquire directly with the preschools in your area for their age requirements.
How old do you have to be for preschool?
The age requirement for preschool varies by program and state. Typically, children are eligible for preschool when they are between 3 to 4 years old. It's important to check the age requirements of the specific preschool you're interested in, as they may have their own enrollment criteria.
What Is Transitional Kindergarten?
Transitional kindergarten (TK) is a program designed for children who may not be ready for traditional kindergarten, often due to their age. It serves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten, primarily targeting kids who turn 5 between the kindergarten cutoff date and December 2nd, although this range can vary by state.
Why is vocabulary development important from an early age?
A rich vocabulary at an early age is a strong predictor of academic success. It enhances reading comprehension, creative writing skills, and effective communication, leading to better performance in school subjects like math and science.
How Old For Kindergarten?
The standard age for kindergarten is 5 years old by a certain cutoff date, which varies by state or school district.

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