Words that Start With P - Expand Your Vocabulary

Words that Start With P - Expand Your Vocabulary
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P is the sixteenth letter of the English alphabet, so your child should already have developed a good vocabulary before you introduce them to P words. If they have already mastered their ABCs and words beginning with each of the first fifteen letters, it’s time they start with words that start with P. Even if they already know plenty of words, you must not stop here. You cannot put a limit on what extensive vocabulary means as its benefits go beyond educational development.

So, even if your child knows enough words starting with letters A to O, it is important to add new words to their vocabulary to help them communicate. It is preferable that a child knows enough words beginning with each letter.

Many words in the English language start with P, and it’s an important part of many words as well. Therefore, it is crucial that you introduce your child to some new words that start with P. Parents and teachers should understand that it is quite a challenging task for young learners to memorize entire lists of words beginning with 26 letters.

words beginning with p

Therefore, you should only start introducing new words that start with P when your child shows signs of readiness. Make sure that your child has processed words from your last vocabulary session, i.e., words that start with O before you move on to the letter P. Sure, they may have already adjusted to the new learning task and method, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier to memorize so many words with their meanings and usage.

In fact, you will notice that children face various issues while learning vocabulary words. Remember that it is hard for little children to differentiate between words, pronunciations, and meanings. It suggests that your child should get enough time to process vocabulary words that begin with other letters before you move on to teaching them words that start with P.

words beginning with p how to learn

Take a Break before Introducing Words that Start With P

Learning words that start with so many letters can feel like too much work for little children. It’s possible for them to experience a lot of stress while learning vocabulary words. After all, children undergo a systematic process in which they memorize lists of words, meanings, and how they can be used.

Parents and teachers must understand that it is a complex activity for young learners. It often tends to overwhelm them and put them under a lot of pressure. So, wait for the right time before introducing them to words that start with P. Most adults do not realize that the concept of memorizing and learning is still new to children when they are learning vocabulary words. Not to mention, there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, which makes things challenging for kids to differentiate between words.

While it is crucial to teach vocabulary words to children from an early age, rushing from one word to the next is never a good idea. Parents and teachers should keep in mind that going back-to-back and introducing words can make it hard for your child to keep up with the information they learn.

A good way to go about teaching vocabulary words that start with P is to look for the right time to do so. It is important to ensure whether the child is prepared to learn new vocabulary words. It is best that you give your child enough time to process the learned information before loading their mind with some more.

Make sure you give them time between two letters as it helps children understand words in a better manner while clearing their minds of confusion. Giving your child a break is crucial to help your child process the information while boosting their memory.

positive words that start with p

Finding Out Whether Your Child Is Ready

Since there are many letters in the English alphabet, children find it difficult to learn vocabulary words that start with each one of them. It is difficult for children to memorize so many words along with their specific meanings and how they are used in conversation and text. So, look for signs in your child’s behavior and knowledge before you finally introduce them to vocabulary words that start with P.

The following questions should help you find whether or not you should move on to the letter P:

  • Can your child say the ABCs are in order?
  • Do they recognize all 26 letters of the English alphabet?
  • Can they pronounce letters correctly?
  • Are they able to trace or write letters?
  • Are they confused about similar-looking or similar-sounding letters?
  • Is the child confused about previously learned vocabulary words?

You must ensure that your child is ready and in the spirit to learn words that start with P before you finally begin. It is best to wait and help your child out if the idea of learning new vocabulary words sounds boring to them. More importantly, you must help them out if they are struggling or feel stuck.

words that start with p advice

Are There Any Drawbacks to Jumping from One Letter to Another?

All children face different kinds of difficulties while learning vocabulary words. The most common is that the amount of information they have to memorize each time they start a new letter can be difficult.

It is best to let go of the idea of starting with a new word if your child shows signs of being stressed or confused. If you try to rush the learning process, they may face further issues that can cause stress for you as well as the child. Not to mention, learning vocabulary words will not be as effective and beneficial. The adverse effects of hurrying through the letters include:

  • Slowed progress: Adults tend to think that quickly jumping from one letter to another can speed up the learning process. On the contrary, it does just the opposite. Filling your child’s mind with loads of words without giving them a break can cause them to forget much quicker. A break before you move on to words that start with P is crucial to boost your child’s memory and retention.
  • Confusion: The last thing you want for your child is to get confused among vocabulary words. Teaching too many words and not giving your child enough time to understand and differentiate between similar words can cause numerous problems. Your child is likely to end up with a mixed vocabulary and may end up using the wrong words. Not to mention, you’ll end up wasting time as well.
words that start with p learning drawbacks

Vocabulary Words that Start With P

Here are separate lists of vocabulary words that start with P for children of all ages and levels.


Preschoolers are too young to be able to learn difficult words. However, they should still know a few P words to communicate effectively and easily.

  • Pea
  • Pan
  • Pup
  • Pig
  • Pet
  • Pal
  • Pat
  • Pass
  • Pop
  • Pot
nice words that start with p


While it also hard for kindergartners to completely grasp the meanings of complex words, learning vocabulary words is still as important. It is best to start off with simple and easy-to-understand words.

  • Part: a divided piece of a whole
  • Pale: fair or light-colored
  • Play: to indulge in an activity for fun and amusement
  • Pick: to select and choose out of many
  • Pair: two corresponding things or persons
simple words that start with p

Elementary School

Elementary school students are relatively more proficient in use of language, so they’re capable of understanding and learning difficult words that start with P. This is also the best age to introduce them to complex school concepts such as pronouns and multiplication.

  • Palm: the flattened inner part of your hand
  • Pebble: smaller, smoother stone
  • Plate: a flat utensil for serving food
  • Prey: an animal that another animal hunts
  • Person: an individual human being
  • Passionate: to feel strong emotions towards something
  • Plank: a long, broad and flattened piece of wood
  • Passive: inactive or contributing no energy
  • Phony: in-genuine or fake
  • Platform: a heightened flat surface to stand on, forum
descriptive words that start with p

Interesting fact: The sounds of letters P and B are studied together as we use the same part of the mouth, with the tongue in the same position, to pronounce them. The only difference between the two sounds is that the /b/ sound is voiced while P is voiceless. You can notice this placing a paper in front of your mouth while saying words that start with P and B. The voiced sounds produce a puff of air while the voiceless ones don’t.

-Laura Lewis, Education Specialist

Practice Questions

Exercise #1

Place a paper or hand in front of your mouth while saying the following words aloud. Identify whether the sounds of B and P in words are voiced or voiceless.

  • Purple
  • Bug
  • Happy
  • Lips
  • Bring
  • Pie
  • Black
  • Pack
  • Practice
  • Bubble

Exercise #2

Fill in the missing letters to learn the following words that start with P.

  • Pre_ty
  • P_em
  • Pa_t
  • Pu_se
  • Pag_
  • _atient
  • P_ay
  • Pa_er
  • Pol_te
  • Pa_r


  • T
  • O
  • S/R
  • R
  • E
  • P
  • R/L
  • P
  • I
  • I
beautiful words that start with p

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative ways to teach new words?
Beyond traditional teaching, consider interactive storytelling, fun word games, engaging in activities that involve the new words, and using multimedia resources like educational apps or videos.
How Do You Spell Kindergarten?
The correct spelling is 'kindergarten,' a German word meaning 'children's garden.' It refers to the first year of formal education for young children in many countries.
What degree do you need to be a preschool teacher?
The educational requirements for preschool teachers vary by state and the type of preschool. Some require a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, while others require an associate's or bachelor's degree in early childhood education or a related field.
How To Become A Kindergarten Teacher?
Becoming a kindergarten teacher typically requires a bachelor's degree in early childhood education or a related field. Many states also require certification through a teaching credential program and passing scores on relevant exams. Practical experience, such as student teaching, is also essential.
Why is vocabulary development important from an early age?
A rich vocabulary at an early age is a strong predictor of academic success. It enhances reading comprehension, creative writing skills, and effective communication, leading to better performance in school subjects like math and science.

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